UO News Letter 翻訳:「New Legacy」「 Soul Glass by EM Malachi」「From the Meet & Greets」


今月のUO News Letter関連、Twitterに記載できなかった部分の翻訳文を記載します。

※ あくまで速報ベース内容となります。正式版は広田剣サイト或いは日本シャード英翻訳諸氏先輩方の翻訳もご参考いただければと思います。


1.  「New Legacy」(開発状況):

 The Team is also busy continuing work on Ultima Online: New Legacy! We've really enjoyed sharing our vision for this next bold Britannian adventure. Right now we are focused on fleshing out the back-end systems that will support driving the majority of content you'll experience as you forge your new Britannian Legacy! Forward facing this means building what we call the "first 15 minutes" as you start your life on New Legacy in the City of Ocllo. We are planning our next Dev Hangout for early June, so keep an eye on UO.com and your inbox for updates and to take part in that stream!


我々のチームは絶え間無く「New Legacy!」開発を継続しています。次なる大胆なブリタニアでの冒険の形を皆様と共有している事を本当に楽しんでいます。現在、我々は皆様方が新しいブリタニアン・レガシーをスムーズに開始できるようバックエンドシステムの刷新に取り掛かっています。これは前向きな試行で、皆様がオクローでNewLegacyを始める際の「最初の15分」と呼ばれるものを構築する事を意味しています。我々は6月上旬に次の開発ハングアウトを計画しています。最新のLegacy情報を得て、この流れに乗る為に、これからもUO.com とあなたの受信トレイに目を光らせていて下さい。


2.  Soul Glass By EM Malachi (今後のイベントストーリー):

The artisan shielded her eyes as she removed the molten glass from the kiln. The ethereal sand in the mix gave off a violet flare. Found only on distant Britannian islands, the arcane mineral was necessary to make glass vessels that could hold a soul. Necromancers and cultists had used this fact to control swarms of ghosts, but Yukio saw another purpose. This would be her masterpiece.


As the dangerous flare lessened, Yukio carefully inflated the glass into a perfect orb, adding her life breath to the magic glass. Her hands traced the same symbols her family had etched onto soul stones for generations, and mana danced across the inside of the orb.


The artisan carefully heated the orb again and twisted off the attached blowpipe. The glass sphere held itself in midair over a pool of water, its magic linking to the soulstones in the water below.


As she stood back to examine her work, Yukio noticed a man in a dark robe standing at the edge of her open-air studio. He gave a small clap. "We were impressed with the silver and gold soulstones you made that Minister Ihara Soko gifted to the Empress for the New Year. This though is truly exquisite work.”


Yukio gave a small bow and turned back to her workbench. There was something about the rude stranger she didn’t like, so she quietly picked up a chisel.


“We wish to hire you.”

“I am currently without time for new projects.”

“I worried you would say that. I must insist.” The stranger whistled, and a band of hired Yomotsu appeared at the treeline.


Yukio ran, but a pair of kappas caught up to her. She stabbed at the head of one of the creatures, but the chisel melted in the foul acid held there. The kappas dragged her back. The stranger was directing the other mercenaries to steal various tools from her studio.

“What do you want from me?”

“You will bind a great soul back to this world.”




















3.  From the Meet & Greets (デブミ質疑応答):


Can we implement a function to dump a potion keg in a single action?
Yes, we can add this as a future quality of life upgrade!



Can you look at the first aid belt using macros for bandages in EC?
We have submitted a problem report into the system (Bandages contained within an equipped First Aid Belt cannot be used in standard EC functions) and hope to resolve the issue in a future publish.

A2_バグレポートを作成しました (バグ内容: 装備された応急処置ベルトに含まれる包帯は標準のECでは使用できません) そして、今後のパブリッシュの中でこの問題を解決していきたいと考えています。


Can we revisit scribe BODs and make the 5th through 8th circle worth more?
While we don't have adjustments to the BOD system on our radar specifically, we have added this request to our backlog for a future publish



Do Talisman of the Fey (CuSidhe) override healing skill? How is dexterity factored in?

Healing that occurs via the Talisman + Animal Form happens independent of healing skill and is based on Ninjitsu Skill. Dex is not a factor.



Can you increase the size of the soulstone container gump?
This has been completed and we have the new gump slated for a future client release.


